IKV ADJUDICATOR has severed ties with KAG and shall, going forward, exist solely as an aspect of the Rocketpunk Space Patrol.
Category: Battlecruiser ADJUDICATOR
I.K.V. ADJUDICATOR and KLINGON ASSAULT GROUP announcements and news
What exactly is a \”snausagean\”? Where did this term come from? Isn\’t it a bit gatekeeper-ish?
An extended interview on Klingons and three decades of crafting an inclusive fandom experience with IKV ADJUDICATOR\’s commanding officer CMDR Mek\’tor sutai-Kuvaj. (Recorded 2022.03.05)
Volunteering again at KOKE NO SATO, this morning. We got uzu lemons as a thank you.
So… I\’ve just submitted a sample order for version two of the KAGA tees, as well as version one of the ADJUDICATOR tees. Once I verify the print colors and such, I will be making two larger orders, one for the US, one for Japan.
The current promotion criteria for THE ROCKETPUNK SPACE PATROL, now using Naval ranks instead of Air Force ranks as part of the Heinlein Reforms.
Volunteer work at Koke-no-Sato Moss Garden / Forest of Wisdom here in Ishikawa.
Big points to Sayuri L. and Nathan L. for finding a new, extremely cool, way to volunteer locally. Next month I\’m coming along!
Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis to return as Will Riker and Deanna Troi on STAR TREK: PICARD.
Community service report for April 2018.